Our Complaints Procedure

At Payzone, we aim to provide you with the highest level of customer service. However, if you'd like to raise a complaint about our services, you can get in touch with our team so that we can try and put things right.

Where can I complain?

If you'd like to raise a complaint, you can call us at the first instance on 01606 566 566. You can also put your complaint in writing to:

Customer Complaints
100 Wood Street

How your complaint is handled

If you make your complaint over the phone or we are aware that you're unhappy in any way, we'll look into your complaint and where possible, resolve matters with one of our Customer Service Agents. If the complaint isn't resolved after contact from our Customer Service Agent, this is then managed by their Team Manager.

If we cannot resolve the complaint over the phone

If we can't resolve the issue over the phone, we'll write to you within 2 days of the date you made the complaint.

If you have a written complaint, our Customer Complaint team will notify you in writing that we are looking into your complaint and when you should hear from us.

Investigating your complaint

Once we've looked into the complaint, we'll be in touch with you (usually in writing) to explain the position and to confirm our view. If needed, this is when we'll also include any details of our proposals to help resolve the issue. We'll keep you updated of our progress whilst your complaint is handled.

Confirming our final position

We'll confirm to you our final position on your complaint in writing, which usually is no later than 8 weeks from the date you first made your complaint. If we cannot give you a final response within the 8 weeks, we'll write to you within that time to explain why.